Revelation Of John SHOW – Episode 6 - #freedomfirst


THEN HE GAVE ME THE PLANS" John Penuel Chidester III

Realize that there is one principle which stands above all principles...

Even our favorites, such as the

#PrincipleofCare & #PrincipleofPerseverance....

#FreedomPrinciple is First.

We conveniently gave it over to those who neither care or persevere.

Freedom means you have a choice.

And we do. It's our inheritance.

And here it is: Anything and everything should always remain optional as a true testament of freedom, as long as harm comes to none.

This Special Presentation REVEALS the inner workings of the mind of Saint John. One his closest colleagues and acquaintances Robert Koczynski, pulls the impossible with a Mental Health Status Exam. He is told that he that he IS still sane. Thank goodness. Cause most people watching this content say he's crazy. Saint John goes into crisis mode using social media. and again is speaking with Rob in regards to the influences of of these platforms. After coming to some solid conclusions Again we return to see Rob for some spiritual practice using meditation. Grateful to assist him in his projects we jump right into the featured content aftwards of Chuck Sakers AKA #CHUCKALO and his artistic expressiveness, unparalleled, creates not just inspiration to all it reaches, but allows shock value at times as well. Pushing onto the border of what most people would think is except able.

Well... screw them. Seriously. #freedomfirst

Watch #chuckalo Demand Freedom-Our Featured Content.

Live footage from Tik Tok capturing his spontaneous actions and reactions to various people and situations. Scenes both Inside/outside casino, we also encounter a large security guard response and with a palm reading for Bobby, Saint John, and Chuckalo. Thanks


"I'm Safe today, and I've healed. That's big. I like helping others and there is alot of good that comes from that. #principleofcare

But it all started with me admitting that I was wrong. My view and influence of thoughts from the world around me helped to make a self-centered asshole out of me. Ask around.

To my core. Yeah but that shit splintered into a thousand pieces once I realized that I was wrong and all alone. And then I got out of the way. I started to logically approach all aspects of my being, from biological to meta physical. From birth to both of my deaths in this lifetime. With one still to come."


"I know how to finish this story today. To act with care. I act with a consciously aware ability to see more. Do more. Because I intend to show others that we are more, we have more, and most importantly, together? We can be more. Alot of crazy shit is going on in this world. It's my duty to bring you the only keys that actually work. Caring about what you care about is a good start. And the realization that we must do it together. As a collective."
#bysaintjohn #wedorecoverchallenge #wedorecover #comeandsee #nextchapter #principleofperseverance