I am reading from the book by CT Butler that can be downloaded from my website https://intuitiveart.net/wp-content/u... showing how in order to create groups where freedom is present, unilateral communication must be utilized. It's either one thing or the other. Either one person or a small group makes the decisions, through intimidation and control, or the whole group makes decisions together. The end result will either be a tyranny or a free community. The process toward a free community has been said to be "impractical" but there simply is no other way around it - if we want freedom, we simply will have to practice Patience, Tolerance, Kindness and Love of each other and encourage each other to speak up and we will have to do our own spiritual work that makes it hard for us to sit still and wait for the answer to be brought forward. We will have to let go of the ego and our idea that we know what's best for all, otherwise we are no different than the globalist cabal.