Finding creative ways to resolve conflict that respects each person's inalienable rights is going to be very difficult now in our mind controlled MY FREEDOM movement. Everyone wants their freedom - the freedom to do whatever they want to do whenever they want to do it - including nit-picking each other so we can each feel that burst of dopamine in our brains when we get to feel like we are RIGHT and you are WRONG and I caught you - but is that really going to lead to us finding ourselves UNIFIED and practicing KINDNESS, TOLERANCE, LOVE and FREEDOM, together? Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? We need UNITY together now but we do not all always have to agree on every little stupid thing - and we don't have to point out every thing we don't agree on - we can agree to disagree, we can look at the bigger picture of our goals, we can come together and make the effort to use discernment and try to find out what is really important in the moment. The FREEDOM movement means that we are supporting our inalienable rights so that we can all be FREE to speak, think, and live as we ALL prefer - but we sure as hell don't have to agree - we must just be tolerant. I also stated that I am going to dig around for some various types of conflict resolution methods - like NVC and others, and I might pause and make some videos about that before continuing with the Formal Consensus book.