I was in a meeting with our freedom groups while we discussed how we need to move forward in creating a parallel economy, and I drew this Auragraph to gain more insight into the unseen information present for the group. We are going to do a barter market in January. We may utilize Formal Consensus https://intuitiveart.net/wp-content/u... and Open Space Technology https://youtu.be/M_jhcvCYBbg so that we can create groups that last.

Here's the written reading: A woman - the feminine - the Querrant - Mother Earth - sitting on her left side but twisted to her right. The Sun in the upper right hand corner - in it's correct position - as the Masculine force
of Manifestation. She has a Butterfly Wing on her left side but not on her right... meaning only partial transformation has occurred...She is praying. It is summertime - abundance - because of the leaves - so many leaves in the tree.

She is naked. Her breast is exposed under her hair - so she is vulnerable but she has not fully exposed herself to the newness because her left breast - that of her nourishment to others is still masked by past experience (hair - history
intuition)... She cries 8 tears - 8 being the Strength card in the Tarot - putting spiritual goals over worldly desires ... there are 4 flowers receiving the water from her tears and there are 3 flowers that have not yet blossomed on the right...she is praying...

asking for Divine Intervention from the Abundant Universe...there is an hour glass which receives nourishment from the Sun/Son - Astrotheology - we are on time - we are learning what we need to learn but we must press forward... to manifest what we set out to do - and not give up - not forget that this community building - this replacement of the depraved debt lie system is the most important thing we can do in our lives -

fair trade was stolen from us by the Globalists and it is so easy for us to fall into that idea that "it's ok" but it is not ok - because of the debt lie which is a violation of Natural Law and therefore guaranteed to make us greedy and constantly in a state of scarcity... and in addition to that the Patience to interact in a respectful, loving way with each other utilizing horizontal communication which all voices are heard and not just the leaders, the gurus, the word-mechanics - all voices are heard which ignites the Force of the Source to bring in new ideas for the greater good - not self-seeking ideas of one or a small group - but for all concerned including Nature. If you are interested in receiving an Auragraph or giving one as a gift please go to
https://intuitiveart.net - if you want to view the ones I have done in the past since 2011 please go to https://joannawhitney.weebly.com