2022-07-30 -- Ernest interviews Bob Anderson, Derrick Slopey (Aircrete Domes; Occupy the Land) MP3&4

Bob Anderson (activist, prepper), Derrick Slopey (Agorist Hosting, Freedom's Phoenix Webmaster) on building aircrete domes, building and construction materials, techniques, Occupying the Land, etc...

Bob Anderson (activist, prepper), Derrick Slopey (Agorist Hosting, Freedom's Phoenix Webmaster) on building aircrete domes, building and construction materials, techniques, Occupying the Land, etc...


1. Putzmeister  SP 11 TMR - https://www.putzmeister.com/web/european-union/product-detail/-/product/324/sp-11-tmr#!


Compact and Efficient with Outstanding Performance even for Self-Levelling Floor Screed

The lightweight and compact SP 11 TMR worm pump from Putzmeister was designed for high delivery rates to enable it to work reliably and conveniently even on some of the largest construction sites. The pump can effortlessly convey material over distances of 70 m and to heights of 50 m. The standard 2L6 worm pump can operate at a rate of 5–75 l/min in plastering applications. It shows outstanding performance for a wide variety of possible applications including self-levelling screed. It can be used for exterior plaster (lime, lime cement and insulating plaster) as well as interior plaster (lime plaster). It can also be used for light masonry or fire protection mortar, filling and grouting work, concrete renovation.

2. New dome pics: