2022-07-08 -- Ernest Hancock interviews Mike Winner (QORTAL) MP3 & MP4

Mike Winner (QORTAL) on decentralized internet. QORTAL is a completely unique blockchain-based infrastructure platform capable of rebuilding the internet entirely, as well as establishing the framework for a worldwide economic system based on individual input for gaining influence on the network. Mike's previous interviews HERE

Mike Winner

Mike Winner is an independent producer and developer with a diverse background in technology, entertainment, live events and innovative new media.

For over 20 years he has explored alternative systems for the betterment of mankind. As a co-founder of Alfa Vedic, the QORTAL blockchain project and Music and Sky, he has made it his mission to bring game changing technology, entertainment and health sovereignty to the public.  Along with Dr. Barre Lando, he is the co-host of the weekly podcast, Alfacast and has recently dedicated a lot of his time to creating community both online and in his physical area.  For Mike, it is all about decentralizing power and returning to our spiritual selves in the process. He is excited for a future where free energy, open-source technology and regenerative agriculture will give us the ability to create systems where we can live in abundance and not scarcity.

He lives on the beautiful Smith River in Northern California with his wife and two sons where he enjoys his favorite life pursuits of fishing, farming and volunteering as a local fire fighter.







At Greater Reset in Austin with Jason:  

Jason and I at Music and Sky Festival last year

At Health Freedom For Humanity Sowing Sovereignty Event 

Sayer Ji Interview (had 30K views and was pulled from Dooshtube)

Interview on Higherside Chats podcast (towards the end of hour 1 we finally get into QORTAL)