MEMENTO VIVERE Episode 3 [January 2022]

Natural Law is a science. It has nothing to do with a belief system, a religion, or Darwinism.
You might know it under different names such as: Law of Cause and Effect, Law of Attraction, Karma, Moral Law, Golden Rule. As we saw it in a previous episode, Natural Law is not made by Man.

Now let's take each word one by one, to try to understand it a little bit deeper:

From the Latin "naturalis" = by birth, according to nature Having a basis in Nature, Reality and Truth. Not made or caused by humankind.

From the Latin "rex" = something laid down, that which is fixed or set. A present condition that cannot be changed.

Natural Law is a body of Spiritual Laws, which acts as the governing dynamics of consciousness.
Universal, non-man-made, eternal, binding and immutable conditions, that govern the consequences of behaviour.

These Universal Laws, that cannot be changed, determine the conditions in which we live.They explain what should not be done. Your decision to follow or not follow these laws, have results on the physical and spiritual world.
If we have the knowledge of how these laws work, if we align our behaviour to them, we can create a better place for everyone. If we don't know how these laws operate, we will create chaos and suffering.

Here are the harmful actions against Natural Law: MURDER, ASSAULT, RAPE, THEFT, TRESPASS, COERCION. Each of these harmful actions is a form of THEFT. Indeed, a form of Property is stolen when we commit one of these wrong-doings. Our life, rights, and freedom, belong to us. They are our property.
If you want to align your behaviour with the laws of the Universe, and want to stop creating chaos and suffering: DO NOT STEAL. Do not take what is not yours.
Let's not engage in thee types of actions and let's do what is right.

To know more about the objective difference between right and wrong, see you in a next episode.

Take care, and remember to live.
