It's really not complicated,, I turned to health and fitness like crazy early in life to have something REAL to hold onto and a HEALTHY relationship to interact with that gives you HONEST FEEDBACK because Everyone around me since 1971 gaslit, undermined, fracked, criminalized, murdered my Health,, I guess I wasn't supposed to notice or be awake for it but, I WAS. THIS IS NOT CONFUSING, THE PEOPLE WERE THE ONES IN ON THEIR OWN ABUSE FOR DECADES. People need to get Conscious of THEIR OWN BAD HABITS,, Unconscious beliefs, conditioning from their Parents that made this country what it IS today. HOW MANY PEOPLE TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ALLOWING THIS COUNTRY TO GET WHERE IT IS? Of course,, there are Many people who Want the system the way it is. Who don't want change or a better world for All. "Adults" should not be more free to speak about abuse of power than those who experienced it as children. The people DO NOT KNOW HOW TO BE THERE FOR EACH OTHER. THEY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER, THEY KNOW HOW TO BE AT THE EXPENSE OF ONE ANOTHER,, TO SEE THE ONE RIGHT NEAR THEM AS THE ONE TO NOT RESPECT AND TO THROW UNDER THE BUS. it's a Health DISASTER. The People should have been giving the power and energy to those around them,, NOT TO SOCIOPATHS.